Teamcenter® software is a modern, adaptable (PLM) system

Teamcenter is an innovative product lifecycle management (PLM) system that digitally connects people and processes across functional silos. This system allows you to deliver increasingly complex products while maximizing productivity and streamlining operations. Check out Teamcenter Rapid Start for a preconfigured, out-of-the-box PDM solution.

Why Teamcenter?

Maximize Your Productivity with Teamcenter

The lack of a common, accurate asset/product knowledge base inhibits efficient service lifecycle management. This can lead to ordering the wrong parts due to lack of asset configuration, status, and history; lowering first-time fix rates, and repeat service events. Using Teamcenter, you can establish a single knowledge base to support service and product engineering while improving service operations.

With the aid of Teamcenter, you can:

Reduce time and effort with a single source for generating and managing requirement documents Improve quality by linking requirements to functional, logical, and physical implementation so you can verify and validate requirements are met Ensure compliance by defining, managing, and tracking customer requirements across the entire product lifecycle.

With Teamcenter, you can manage business processes, from the early stages of design to the actual product launch and beyond. Teamcenter enables a truly concurrent engineering environment that allows you to leverage product designs while simultaneously optimizing and synchronizing manufacturing deliverables. This helps you better manage lifecycle costs, be more productive across multiple domains, and maintain product quality targets.

Tomorrow's Cloud PLM is here - Try Teamcenter X!

Explore the most common use case scenarios for PLM, including:

  • Search, find, and reuse product information.

  • Access and build a bill of material (BOM).

  • Initiate and participate in change processes.

  • Manage product-related information, including designs and documents.

  • See how Teamcenter X can be used inside your MCAD or ECAD design tool, using NX as an example.